What is Squint ?
- Squint is a misalignment of the eye where the two eyes are pointed in different directions
- The misalignment may be constant for a few, while it may be intermittently occurring for
some others
- The deviation of the eye may be in any direction inward, outward, upward or downward
- If the child is not treated at the appropriate time, a condition called amblyopia occurs,
which eventually leads to permanent decrease in vision
- DRR Eye hospital has one of the best squint eye treatment facility in Chennai.
- Suppression of blurred image
- Brain rejects blurred image
- Confusion results from superimposition of 2 dissimilar images
- Squint
- If untreated
- Permanent decrease of vision
Causes of Squint
- Heredity
- Weakness of the eye muscles or problem in the nerves supplying the eye muscles
- Blurred or poor vision caused due to cataract, corneal scars, glaucoma, refractive errors,
optic nerve disease, retinal disease, tumors of the eyes etc.,
- Injuries
Symptoms of Squint
- One eye or both eyes point to different directions
- Children can have defective vision in one eye or both eyes
- Children with squint, sometimes close one eyes in bright sunlight
- Some children turn their face or tilt their head in a specific direction in order to use
their eyes together
- The child sometimes experiences double vision or confusion
Treatment to prevent permanent loss of vision
- Squint due to refractive errors is corrected by prescribing suitable spectacles
- Patching of the normal eyes
Surgical treatment
- Surgical treatment is given to the child based upon improvement in vision by spectacles
correction and patching therapy
- The misaligned eyes can be straightened through surgery. In this surgery, the muscles are
detached from their original insertion and shifted to a different spot. The amount of shift
is based on the measurement done with special prism
- Surgery is usually done under general anesthesia for children by a Squint specialist .It is
ensured that the child is free from any illness like fever, common cold, cough, etc., before
subjecting to general anesthesia.
- Surgery is done either on one or both the eyes
- It is done on the white portion (selera) of the eye
- The eyeball is not opened
- Stay in the hospital is only a few hours after the surgery
- Squint eye treatment does not stop with surgery. Glasses may have to be continued to
maintain clarity of vision. Patching therapy may be needed to be continued for some time
after the surgery.
Early treatment for Squint prevents loss of sight