Certain eye conditions can lead to permanent decrease in vision. Patient may find it difficult to carry out his daily activities with this low vision. In such situations certain tools can be used to assist one in overcoming some of these challenges and perform few routine functions. These tools are known as LOW VISION AIDS.
These devices help patients utilize their existing vision better and make the most of it to carry out simple functions.

- Optical: These are magnifying lenses which make objects appear larger and easier to
- Distance: Certain telescopes can be used for distance or intermediate viewing. These telescopes can be Hand Held or Spectacle Mounted depending upon the type of use. They are available in different magnifications which can be chosen depending upon vision and requirement. These can be used by students to view a blackboard.
- Near: These devices help one in reading or performing any other near vision activities
- Magnifying Spectacles are glasses with high power lenses which can help in reading by holding the objects near the face.
- Hand Held Magnifiers are portable devices which can be used to read by holding the lens in the hand close to the object. Some magnifiers have inbuilt lights.
- Stand Magnifiers are particularly helpful when reading for a longer duration. These lenses are placed in a stand to be placed over the reading material. The stand magnifiers have to be moved across the page to read. Being on a stand is helpful to people who have a tremor or arthritis. Some stand magnifiers have built-in lights.
- Video Magnifiers: These electronic devices make printed pages appear larger. The device has a platform to place the reading material, a camera and a monitor. It has controls for brightness and contrast that can be adjusted as per individual visual needs.
- Non-Optical:
- Audio books: One can listen to the text read aloud.
- Computers, Smartphones, Tablets: Here one can alter the font size and zoom magnification to suit individual requirements. There are certain applications that can talk-back to the user.
- Illuminators: Most patients with low vision can read better with good illumination
- Glare reducing devices: In certain eye conditions scattering of unwanted excessive light can be disabling. Sunglasses, Polaroid glasses, Photochromic glasses can reduce glare.
- Mobility Assisting Devices like long walking stick or canes help patients move around or walk without bumping into obstacles.
Certain life-style modifications would be required to adapt to the poor visual status. Consult your Eye Doctor to understand which is the best device suited for your or your patient's need.