A nose is one of the most prominent parts of a human face and adds appeal to the face. Since each person is different, each nose is unique too. A Rhinoplasty, which is most commonly known as a nose job is a popular option for patients who are unhappy with the existing shape or the size of their nose.
Blepharoplasty is a type of surgery that involves removal of excess skin, muscle and/or fat from the eyelids. As you age, eyelid skin tends to stretch ,thin out and hang and the muscles that support it may weaken.
Contact Lenses are small prescription lenses that are worn in contact with the eye. They are basically designed to correct refractive errors. They float on the tear film layer on the surface of the cornea.
In the digitized world, computers and smart phones have become a part and parcel of lives, either as part of work, study or leisure. This has in turn brought in a peculiar problem of eye strain.
A prosthetic eye is an artificial eye which is implanted in patients to restore the volume and near normal appearance of a missing eye. The loss or disfigurement of an eye can be both physically and emotionally painful.
Facial palsy is weakness or paralysis of the muscles on one half of the face. It occurs as a result of temporary or permanent damage to the facial nerve . It makes the affected side of the face droop....
Squint, also known as strabismus, is a medical condition in which there is improper alignment of the eyes. In this condition, one eye may be looking straight ahead, while the other eye may be turned inward, outward, upward or downward meaning they don’t work together to look at an object...
Our eyes contain a clear crystalline lens behind the pupil. This lens helps us focus at objects located at different distances from the eye. Due to various reasons, this lens becomes cloudy which blurs vision. This condition is called cataract. If left untreated cataract causes progressive decrease in vision leading to blindness. Cataract is the most common cause of reversible blindness in the world. Surgical correction of cataract can reverse the vision loss caused by it. ...